In case you have been
wondering what has been happening on the
home front with the
Thomberg's since we moved in...
We had new screen doors and fiberglass entry doors installed out front and off our patio. Mark is finishing up the trim work around them inside. We are undecided about the outside color, so it remains white.

Just last week week Mark added a few shrubs. He was home taking care of
Marly and Dean on Wednesday and Thursday when Kelly was ill.

"Slow but steady wins the race!" says the wise turtle.... right??? We have been working on cleaning up the area below at the end of our driveway for weeks. This weekend we hacked away at dead branches on the overgrown shrub, and removed debri from underneath. Mark and I
regularly debate weather the old juniper stays or goes. At the moment, it remains.. because if we cut the whole thing down, we don't have an immediate and easy way to remove the carnage. I will assure you I am getting my money's worth for the seasonal yard waste removal with my garbage hauler.

Look way on the right in the photo below of Dean. Mark put up a new mailbox last week. Our lawn is also looking better and better, and one by one, Mark is driving in fertilizer stakes around the trees.

Mostly....projects at our new home progress at a snails pace, because these two move WAY faster then a snail or a turtle!

We decided several weeks ago, two trikes were a
necessity with twins. Dean loves to careen down the driveway, then swerve left at the last minute to hit the grass down by the evergreen and overgrown juniper. Last night he
opted not to "break left" and was grinning with delight as he raced into our quiet street. TROUBLE!!! or perhaps DOUBLE TROUBLE!
Inside of the house, things are progressing at the same rate. Mark is painting here and there, etc. We were very excited about our dehumidifier purchase two weeks ago. Yup...We Thomberg's are a wild crew. After reading my own post, I sound like a home improvement slacker, with my hubby doing all the work! I did clean out the gutters out front on Saturday morning.
Weekend Recap - Besides yard work, Gretchen, Piper and Martin came for a sleepover Friday. Saturday we attended a back yard post wedding reception for Chris's oldest son Alex and his new wife, Becky at her parent's home near Princeton. Sunday we had a long overdue morning date with Jesus... then we went to see Brett and Rachel's new house on a small lake near Chaska in the afternoon!!!
1 comment:
Hi Andrea,
I'm feeling incredibly lazy after reading about all the neat stuff you guys are doing. LOVE the door, too. I think a new door makes everything look so nice!
(who has many unfinished projects left to do around the house and hubby has even more!).
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