Last night (
Thursday), Mark and I took the
Twinners to the parade for Brooklyn Park's town days/festival. We saw fire trucks, marching bands, ate candy, and the kids loved the Tater Days
potato mascot.
Hey, they give me candy if I stand along the edge of the street! (Is that mom wiping dirt off the candy - No... not me.)

Hmm... what's next?

Getting hot and trying not to act tired (above)...

Stomping to the beat of the marching band.

The view is better up here.
(Dear me.. I still REALLY need a hair cut. It is embarrassing. I may leave work early today...)
We left early to get to bed. At the parade, someone threw bubble gum. I traded the kids for another piece of candy and put it in our bag. Once home, Dean found it and started chewing away. He didn't swallow it and was so proud of his gum!
(...gum and Grandma Marlys - There is your flashback for Friday!)
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