I had hoped to give Mark additional rest and newspaper time to start the morning, but Dean decided to kick off Father's Day before 7 am. I made quiche for breakfast, then we headed to church. On the way home, Mark requested a detour to the Linder's 1/2 price plant sale.

Dean helping Daddy unload his 1/2 price dirt.
Posing in the lilac bush.

Some of Daddy's Father's Day loot -
perennials for our yard.

For many years, Mark has coveted a large carved wooden gnome crafted by some guy up by
Chisago City. I always said, "...some day when we have a larger home and yard." I am pretty sure I can't afford the four foot gnome now, so Mark got this cement garden gnome as my token offering. It is from
Hill's Unique Gifts in Hector. This Farm Girl knew they would have a what I needed. I e-mailed Laura
Melberg, she stopped by Hill's, e-mailed photos back, then picked up my choice. He was waiting at Jan's on Saturday and hid under the back seat for the ride to his new home. Mark named him "
Stevo the Gnome." He was 'resting' in the flowers out back when Mark woke and looked out our bedroom window. I think I may have to get out to Hill's and pick up a friend for
Stevo. The kids love him.

Mark told
Marly she should wake
Stevo up.... so she was determined to try.

Twinners, Happy Daddy!

The kids took a LONG afternoon nap recovering from the lake on Saturday, so Mark and I spent quality time working in the yard (Mark's request for his day). For supper I grilled burgers with
Parmesan cheese (fresh grated from Costco) worked into the meat, and good old American cheese on top. Just to class it up for Father's Day, I even buttered and toasted the buns. Hey folks - It's the little things, right???
Happy Father's Day also to my Dad studying in France! I missed you.
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