Sunday, December 19, 2010

Holidazzle 2010!

Saturday we headed downtown for Holidazzle. We missed the holiday parade last year, but were bundled and back in 2010. (CLICK HERE for the 2008 post.)First we had supper at Key's, then we headed into the cold, got hot chocolate on the street from Dunn Brothers, and waited for the festivities to begin.

Mark was fridged before it even started. The kids really didn't complain at all.
Dean would crane around the crowd, look up the street, jump back, and exclaim, "There's ANOTHER ONE coming!!! There's another one!"

Marly's favorite float was the Wizard of Oz (not pictured).

Dean liked the Pirate Ship float AND the Wizard of OZ.

YES! We are having fun, even though we have lost feeling in our cheeks.

After, we attempted to go to Macy's 8th floor to see the holiday display, but so did everyone else. When Mark saw the line he said, "I don't think so!" We had to drag Marly and Dean away bawling, with a promise to return later.

Let's hope the weather cooperates on Monday after work....

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