I have now officially been a blogger for about one year. Here is a look at my second post for the Tinnwers first birthday last year.
Here is a flashback to 2-27-07...

Marly (Baby A) was brought into the world at 7:54 am and weighted 5 pounds 11 ounces. She came out butt first. Because she may have swallowed fluid, she was quickly wisked away. This is Dean (Baby B) at 7:55 AM. He arrived screaming and peeing and weighted 6 pounds 14 ounces. Dr E held him up to show me. I am behind the blue curtain.

This photo is just after birth.... while I was being put back together. The kiddos needed to be in the warmers in the nursery after this. I spent time in the triage area because no recovery rooms were available. Mark went between me and the babies. All the grandparents arrived. When I was finally wheeled to my room, I waved to them and my babies as we went by the Family Waiting Room! I had been hanging out mostly alone in the triage area for many hours! Mark was able to bring Dean to me briefly while there.

Our first visitors were Gary, Pauline and Kelly Thompson & Dad and Chris. Chris's son Kevin came by. Dad and Chris returned. Brett and Rachel and Jan and Sheldon Melberg all visited, and then Gretchen and Dan.

Day three of life (Thursday) - A snowstorm hit.
Day four of life (Friday) - Gary, Pauline and Jeff came to visit. We returned home in the evening. I was an emotional wreck and wanted to stay another night (per the recomendation of the Dr and nurses)...but Mark was ready to have ALL of his family home. Mark took good care of all us that first night on our own!
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