Monday, February 23, 2009

Happy 40th Jan and Sheldon!

Sunday, Mark, the Twinners and I headed home and beyond for a 40th Anniversary Dinner to honor my Aunt Jan and Uncle Sheldon. It was held at Max's in Olivia and there was a great turn out of friends and family. The wait staff even had to add a table! Prior to the noon meal, the family hosted cake during fellowship hour at First Lutheran in Hector. Unfortunately, it wasn't feasible for the Thomberg's to hit the road early enough to worship with the family.

It was a heartwarming experience to celebrate with them yesterday. Watching the contented couple, 40 years appears to have passed with ease, although I have no doubt my aunt and uncle have weathered many storms. It is clear these two have a strong foundation based on FAMILY, FAITH and FARMING. I believe these things have been steady and solid rocks for the them over the past four decades. (Please note the Melberg farms are generally free and clear of any actual rocks - big or small!)

After dining on chicken and roast beef, Jan and Sheldon spoke about their wedding on February 1st so many years back. They commented about their 7 pm service and the snow storm that hit. They discribe their honeymoon to Kansas (to visit Jan's grandparent) and their travels to California to tour sugar beet fields with several area farmers.

Well.... here we are in 2009 and I bet Jan and Sheldon could not add up the number of sugar beet fields they have trodden across since their very romantic honeymoon! The two have found many successes, in sugar and the sweetness of their relationship.

Congratulations Jan and Sheldon. You are an inspiration to your children and grandchildren, neices and nephews, and my generation!

1 comment:

britta said...

It is indeed inspiring when people stayed married-my parents are hitting the big 3-0 years of marriage this summer! Makes me hope I stay married forever while in love that whole time.


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