Thursday, January 22, 2009

Jamaica - Then and Now

We leave in one week and I recogonize a lot has changed in five years...

Five years ago I took a nap when we arrived at our resort. I was exhausted from our wonderful wedding. This time around, I will probably take a nap because I am exhausted by two toddlers.

Five years ago, I wore bikini's that bared a mid-riff. One bikini was white with cute red cherries on it. This time around I have swim suit separates from Land's End that hide my pooch of stretched out stomach skin created by said toddlers while in the womb.

Five years ago, I was small chested, but felt comfortable in my padded bikini tops. This time around, I am embarrassed by my even flatter, deflated chest, which is the end result of breast feeding said toddlers for the first year of their life.

Five years ago, I tried every tropical cocktail, drank beer, drank wine, and ate and ate. This time around I plan to try every tropical cocktail AGAIN, drink MORE beer, drink MORE wine, and eat and eat.

Five years ago, I accidentally spilled an entire glass of red wine on another honeymooning guest in white pants at dinner. This time around I desperately hope I don't need to offer to pay for another guests dry cleaning.

Five years ago, Kelly drove us to the airport in the early morning. She lived with us at the time. I did not know our final destination until we arrived at the airport. This time around we are staying overnight at Brett and Rachel's the night before we leave. Rachel is driving us to the airport in the VERY early morning, while Brett, Marly and Dean continue to slumber snug in their beds. This time around, we will be in Jamaica WITH Kelly for her wedding.

Five years ago, we spent a week. This time around, only five days are feasible.

Five years ago, I was a newlywed. This time around I am a mommy.

Five years ago, I arrived with a tan. This time around I have not had time to go to the tanning booth and hope I don't burn my Minnesota white skin. My hope is to return with a tan.

Five years ago I weighed more then this time around!

Five years ago AND this time around, I was/am excited to lay on the beach, swim in the ocean, walk in the sand, and relax with my dear husband Mark! I suspect I will appreciate and relish my time with Mark even more THIS TIME AROUND!

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