Monday, June 2, 2008

The Gal Pals see Sex and the City

Months before the opening date, and long before tickets were available on line... Gal Pal Molly had sent the E-vite for the 'Sex and the City' movie. Everyone marked their calendar. We joined the droves of women on Friday night and headed to the premier. The hot ticket in town was sold out in advance and we found ourselves unable to get tickets at the same theater! A troupe of use headed to Roseville, while the rest of the ladies viewed the show at Oakdale. We reunited at Fabulous Fern's in St. Paul to chat up the movie, and our lives.

The movie gets my rave reviews, but I also revelled in some much needed GAL PAL time. Our group of gals is nothing like the foursome in the movie. We are a mish mash of how who knows who, but many of us are tried and true friends. From marriages and break-ups, moves, men, careers, and kids...we have evolved (as did our beloved Carrie, Miranda, Samatha, and Charlotte)! From our 20 something regular 'Urban Summits' at our fav bars in St. Paul like Sweeney's, to a book club inaugurated with 11 women and 12 bottles of wine at Heidi Hagel's Summit Avenue apartment, to the current version of the 'Urban Summit' which are rather infrequent and most likely hosted on someone's comfy couch, to countless wedding and baby showers (including Jenny's this Sunday) - here are some of us last Friday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Andrea--- thanks for posting this, i had a great time last friday and i loved your summation of our group--see you sunday!


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