Thursday, September 4, 2008

Popcorn and Politics

For the last two weeks in the evening, you can typically find Mark & me reclining and watching the Democratic National Convention and now the Republican National Convention. We have been sucked in. I am positive I did not watch a single speech from either convention four years ago. This year I actually made my favorite - air popped popcorn with a butter/olive oil mix - to munch on during Barack's speech. I plan to do the same tonight for the McCain gig. I have not thrown any popcorn at the TV yet. We will see what tonight brings.

Mark and I have enjoyed observing and commenting on the set, the speech, the delivery, the media coverage and commentary, the clothing, the family, the audience and so forth. Last night provided PLENTY of fodder for conversation! Now I can clearly identify and state why I have always known I do NOT want to be a hockey mom. I NEVER want to be described as a pit bull with lipstick!

Last week Dean insisted on joining us for Hillary's speech. Turns out he must of been a closet supporter. He was snuggled between us in bed and would turn to Mark, turn to me, then turn to the TV and grin at Hillary....

As a side note, the RNC has not effected my life at work in St. Paul. My commute has perhaps been quicker then usual, and I park in a secure key in/key out ramp. After I had already left on Tuesday, there was an e mail put out to the employees in our administrative building urging us to go home if we were still on site, as protesters were headed our direction.


Jamie said...

Glad it hasn't interrupted your schedule with the RNC being here! We've been watching some of the protesting stuff on the news, and yikes. I can't say I'd want to be anywhere near there!!

Yeah, I joined the MVMoms club. But all their meetings are in places like Bloomington, Richfield, etc. And I'm SO leery of going to one where I don't know ANYONE! I've become so shy in person since being a stay at home mommy! There's a "get to know you" meeting coming up soon, and I thought about it, but I just don't know yet!!!!

Great to "meet" you!!! Its always amazing how you can connect to people on the world wide web. People you may not have ever met before!

MollyinMinn said...

A friend of mine saw this on Twitter during Palin's speech. I loved it:

"I just thought of pit bulls everywhere, and how sweet they are, and how
many hockey moms I know who are total bitches. Sigh."

I knew there was a reason I wasn't letting my kids play hockey.



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