Monday, April 20, 2009

Terrific & Terrible Two X Two

Marly and Dean are both terrific and terrible all at the same time at age two. When they were infants, everyone asked, "Are they double the work?" Actually, they were NOT double the work. We simply did everything and repeated, or did everything in tandem.

Well, at age two, they are DOUBLE the work, DOUBLE the fun, DOUBLE the trouble, and DOUBLE the love. Last night after bath time I asked them to hug for pictures, and much to my surprise they DID!

I forgot to comb their hair before I began snapping away...

Although they are beginning to understand pictures, they still don't understand multiple commands and once. They would hug, but they wouldn't hug and SMILE at the same time.

Minutes later they were on to something else.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it.



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