Monday, December 12, 2011

'Tis the Season

Chanhassen Lion's Breakfast with Santa coordinated by Rachel, one week ago.
Not pictured - The Twinners with BABY CHARLIE and Santa at breakfast! (and Nana and Papa too). Dean in Land's End holiday attire sitting in the pew at the Step by Step Montessori School Holiday Program on Friday night.

Marly in Land's End holiday attire at the Peace Lutheran Church Children's Christmas Program on Sunday evening.

"It's a Marshmellow World in the Winter Time" being performed by Children's House One at the Step by Step Program.

Not pictured - The grandparents who attended with us.

Sing and Smile!

Our feeble attempt at holiday cookies this past Saturday.

Peanut butter blossoms from scratch and sugar cookies from the store.

And SMILE! (even if the cookies were hard as a rock!)

Enjoy the tree.

'Tis the season!

(at our house and yours too!)

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