It is safe to say we made up for lost time (and rain delays) over the 4th of July holiday and weekend. It was jam packed, although we spent every night in our own soft beds in our air conditioned suburban dwelling.
We enjoyed lots of time with friends, but don't you think for a second we didn't make it home to the county and family too.
Mark actually worked Thursday, so the kids and I hit the road solo at 9:48 am on the 4th. Our first stop was Brett and Rachel's, where we joined them for the Lake Pierson Boat Parade. Rachel was EAGERLY awaiting the arrival of the baby in utero, who made no appearance on the 4th. (Which is another story all together).
From there we continued our travels west on 212 to Lake Allie, which has become our 'usual' 4th of July holiday haunt.
Golf carts, boat rides, swimming, tubing, cookies and Special K bars, conversation, sun, sunscreen, life jackets, family, cousins, stories, laughing, friends, and...
Ham Balls!!!!
I took this photo for Mark. He loves Jan's Ham Balls, so she sent some home for my hard working hubby. Naturally there were barbecues, chips, fruit, salads, Jan's rice ring, dips, desserts, and all that jazz too.
There were also fresh peas in season.
I declared to my dear cousin Micheal (who teased me with a small cup of fresh picked peas), "What is the use of being from a farm, with like a TON of farming relatives, if I can't get some fresh peas to take back with me when I visit?????????"
Well - Micheal darted off in his convertible and returned from the field 45 minutes later with this giant garbage bag of peas, still on the vine. When we left after supper, I took the whole darn thing with me.
...along with those Ham Balls for Marky-Mark.
The Twinners and I buckled up and hit the road, reversing our direction, at 8 pm sharp. At 9 pm the kids were NERVOUS in the back seat we weren't going to make twilight and the amazing neighborhood fire works display hosted 5 houses up the street. (On Wednesday, the Twinners' actually helped spray paint red, white and blue stars on the neighbor's lawn for the festivities.)
On Riverview Lane you pretty much need a DARN GOOD excuse to miss the neighborhood fire works (hosted annually with an amazing party by one wonderful family). You risk being talked about if not in attendance. Since Mark was at home working away on performance reviews, it was the scheduled time to re-unite.
We made it with about 20 minutes to spare and search for the bug spray we never located! It was a fantastic display as usual!
Hope you all had a GRAND holiday too.
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