Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Diversions and Detours

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Weekend Stuff

Monday, September 28, 2009
Fall is HERE!
It is one of those days I would like to be curled up on my couch with a good book and a cup of coffee, watching the leaves fall outside our windows, with the Twinner's happily played with each other at the foot of the couch. In my dream world, there would be some warm baked goods too.
Yeah right - In all actuality... I don't bake. I would get to read only a few paragraphs, then end up spilling my coffee, and then Marly and Dean would get bored with their puzzles and crayons, and I would try and ignore them for a few more minutes, and then I would head to the kitchen for a rag for the coffee, while Dean would start to color on the wall, and then I would need to find the Magic Eraser, and then Marly and Dean would get in a tussle....and both would start to cry.... oh.. and then I would realize someone needs to rack all those leaves!!!
: ) smile
Wishing all of the farmers a safe, successful and bountiful harvest.
Friday, September 25, 2009
REFLECTION OF MARLYS. In my heart I know...
Okay folks, I am just going to let it all flow out, so click to another site now, or settle in...
I know it must be fall rushing in that is prompting my commuter reflections about GRANDMA Marlys to and from work these days.
Most of my blog readers knew my mom, but I will describe her anyway. Her full time job was "doing" for others. (And her "doing" often revolved around us kids first). In her lived life over the years, during the fall season she would have been in the shack at the grain set up dumping trucks. She would have been making meals for men, and cleaning up her big farm kitchen afterward. She would have been cruising the countryside from farm to farm meeting and moving vehicles with my aunt. She would have been baking huge batches of chocolate chip cookies, then letting them cool on newspaper on the center island, preparing them to freeze in Tupperware. She would have been heading to JoAnne Fabrics in Hutch to get material for Brett and my Halloween costumes, and then at the sewing machine in her basement sewing room late at night. She would have been mowing all the lawn, and the road ditch, and between all the trees, and my Dad's ultra lite runway. She would have been visiting my Grandpa. She would have been cutting some one's hair in a kitchen somewhere...
She would have been shopping for clothes and the needs for the season ahead for her kids....
If she were alive and well TODAY... I miss what she would be "doing" for Marly and Dean.
In the expressions that follow... PLEASE don't think I am being materialistic. My expressions are something I know and feel in my heart of hearts. 9 years and two kids later these feelings prompt pangs of grief.
I know she would have discovered my love for Gymboree and shared it with me. Looking back, my mom always dressed Brett and I neatly and nicely, for church and daily life. I had multiple church dresses for each new season (most of which she made). Brett had little dress pants and ties (his were bought). I remember going to Jandy's on Main Street in Hutch for new Weather Tamer winter coats. I don't think those exist anymore. I remember getting shoes at Buster Brown in Southdale. I had narrow feet, and this was the best place to get shoes that fit right. She wasn't looking for something trendy, nor did she seek out a fancy logo on the clothes, shoes, or coats. She was looking for a good fit and good quality to best meet her kid's needs. It took time to drive all the way to Edina to get me shoes, but it was important to her.
I highly suspect my mom would have geared up her Twinner grandchildren in Gymboree, Stride Right Shoes, and nice winter coats... and would have had fun doing it. If she didn't want to let my Dad know what she spent, she would have hid it in the trunk of her car (which my Dad knew anyway), or used her "hair cutting cash" she stashed in the cupboard above the stove. (In her lived life, some of it would have been from her dad/my grandpa...because she was often "doing" something for him, including cutting his hair or setting my grandma's hair once a week when she was alive.)
I miss how my mom shopped for me (and with me). And, I AM MY MOTHER'S DAUGHTER. I now understand I outfit Marly and Dean like my mom outfitted Brett and me! What a revelation (and a relief actually) to finally get it! For me to feel I best meet the kids needs, I take TIME, and make the extra stop, or go on line because I feel I am better providing for them (like my mom did for me).
I mourn how she would have shopped for Marly and Dean (with me and without me). I actually think my mom would have ventured into the INTERNET WORLD for the Twinners!!!
As I really delve into it, I mourn the TIME she would have given to help me support their needs, and "doing" for all of us. If she were alive and well, she would have learned how to navigate the route to my house in suburbia to spend time with the kids, she would have babysat, she would have stayed over to give Mark and I a weekend night out, she would have had us click in the car seats and taken them back to farm, etc. Of course... we would have been out at the farm a lot anyway. I miss so much the TIME she would have spent with Marly and Dean. (oh.. and Grandma's kitchen hair cuts would be SOO much cheaper then Kidz Hair!) When she was not with us, I bet she would have been at the sewing machine I now have creating something for the kids, or our home, and "doing" even more.
Thanks for letting me take a moment to acknowledge these feelings...(and the time that has been taken away from me.) I also want to acknowledge this is part of my difficulty with working full time. I want to be a "doer" like my mom was, and I don't think I can...
Oh good gracious... ENOUGH already. Back to reality please!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Home Improvement
Straight away from church on Sunday we drove down to IKEA. After closely examining their catalog, we had several purchases in mind.
Potting the plants we purchased below was the kids' project...

Besides the trio of plants, we picked up the small white side table below and two chairs to add to the those we already had. We needed additional seating for our table, and simply wanted something that would mesh nicely with the four we owned.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Ramblings on Wednesday!
(And while there, we perused the merchandise, munched on a few samples, and I made a personal purchase of the kids' Halloween costumes. They were $9.99 each and a very nice quality. I could not buy costumes on E-bay for $9.99. I have checked. I would have liked to create something on my own, but even supplies at JoAnne Fabrics and some sort of sweatshirt or plan colored shirt and pant to go along with the supplies to create a lion or cat or something is more then $9.99. I wish I had the time to create... but I probably realistically don't. Plus... we need to get the kid's shoes for fall/winter, as they can't keep wearing sandals. Stride Rite wear well, but cost a lot more then $9.99 and they wear them every day for months, not one day. I need to be practical. I have to be practical...)
Next, Becky and I dropped off the Nano at the DQ headquarters .
(And while there, I ate a complimentary Dilly Bar from their cooler in the lobby for visitors. That is what it is there for! The wonderful lady at the reception desk offers me one every time I visit, and I almost never take her up on the offer.)
Finally we cruised along 494 to the Bloomington Walmart. The store just opened two weeks ago and we wanted to say hello to the managers.
(And while there, Becky picked up a bag of frozen shrimp. She was overwhelmed by the great deal. I picked up Halloween window clings for the kids.).
That concluded our sponsor visits for Tuesday, and we headed back to office!
(In case you are wondering, it is a big part of our job to visit our sponsors and make social calls to them. We also like our sponsors to know we support them not only for work, but choose to support them in our personal lives as well... so please don't think I am just goofing off on the clock. For us to know our sponsors well, we do need spend time at their business. Plus... we are women, and we multitask... and we were already there. It would be silly not to pick up what we need.)

(Marly and Dean tried on their costumes when I got home from work. Marly didn't want to take hers off. To get her to cooperate, Mark let her put on her favorite tulle skirt. Dean just decided he was done with pants for the day.)
Monday, September 21, 2009
Not Me! Monday...

Here is my two cent confession for Monday.
I most certainly did NOT lose site and sound of one of my Twinners last night right before starting bath time, while I was assisting second Twinner on the potty chair. I most certainly did NOT leave the second Twinner unattended while searching for the first naked Twinner. I most certainly did NOT run circles upstairs and downstairs in my home shouting the name of the first Twinner loud enough for individuals who might pass by outside to hear. I most certainly did NOT frantically peer out the windows still shouting, before frantically running outside. I most certainly did NOT circle the outside of the house only to find the first Twinner outside, naked, and playing on the small hill adjacent to the NEIGHBOR's garage (just a few feet from my own home). I most certainly was NOT chuckling when I scooped up my precious little Deaner, who was happy as a naked clam when I found him (wait.. aren't all clams always naked...). This most certainly did NOT happen before 7 PM when it was still light outside, so any of my suburban neighbors who might have been outside could see my skinny naked jay bird.
Nope, Mark was NOT at Super Walmart at the time of the above occurance purchasing yogurt, fruit, milk (oh.. and curtian rods), because NO we did NOT run out of both skim and 2% milk, so that our kids only had water to drink most of Sunday.
Do you have any confessions to share. PLEASE feel free to post a comment with me! By the way, ...Please don't turn me in to Child Protection either!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Miracle Jeans Day

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Happy 2nd Birthday Wilson....
If you are from Hector, can you guess who made the cake?
Yes it was Bunny Wolf. Yes... there is a lady in Hector named "Bunny" who makes delicious, lovely cakes.
We didn't leave Jan's until after 8:30 pm! Naturally the kids slept most of the way home. Laura sent 2 pieces of cake home for Mark, which he inhaled when I finally returned at 10:30.
While I was away, Mark was painting the doors and trim in our basement white. Upstairs, the woodwork had all been painted white... and it needs to be carried out in the lower level. Slowly but surely it is looking brighter, since completing the task requires priming and several coats for full coverage.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Andrea has a case of the Monday's!
Several hours later, with the kids dropped off at Daycare Cindy's, while travelling down a side street in St. Paul, a small chiwawa crossed my path about two blocks from work. He or she was trotting up the oncoming lane on Jackson Street towards me. He or she was causing other drivers to slow - and me to CHUCKLE. It didn't cure my Monday's, but it diverted my mind for a few minutes.
How is your Monday going?
Saturday, September 12, 2009
SOLD! on Craig's List

The awnings have finally found new owners, after a second round of listings with upgraded information and photos on Craig's List. I will admit I was a PUSH over in haggling when the purchasing party arrived at the designate time last Thursday. The woman came up from Bloomington, did not speak English, and brought a translator (along with her daughter and cute little granddaughter). She brought LESS cash then I was requesting... but they were all so polite, and I was so determined to get these ugly items out of my yard. I accepted her offer (she wanted all 4, thank goodness!) with out much fuss. What the heck were we going to do with them anyway???

Cash in our pocket!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Plain Jane Thursday Photos in the Digital Age
Hey... if your not interested - click to another site! Probably someone else blogged something more interesting about Thursday.
The U of M has just unveiled their new apple hybrid, which is a combo of the famous Honey Crisp and the Zestar. The new apple is called the Sweet Tango. It was available for purchase on Thursday at select upscale Minnesota grocers. Mark is now overseeing management of the Lunds Caribou at 50th and France, so he picked up a sampling of the delicious fruit while visiting this site. It is quite tart and very crisp. All of the Thomberg's give the apple two thumbs up.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
The Conclussion of Summer

Monday, September 7, 2009
The State Fair
We met my dad at the Food Building for Cheese Curds (but not before we quickly consumed corn dogs and deep fried pickles and cream cheese). We ate plenty and went into virtually every barn. Don't tell Dean we missed the llamas! In one of the horse barns I was nearly peed on by one of the giant creatures. Surely Mark thought it was the funniest moment of the whole day. I would have to agree, as I lept out of the way with a start and and a yelp.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
State Fair Countdown!

The last two years we attended, they were changing out the cow barns...my favorite place! That was on a Thursday. I hope we are safe on Friday. We plan to meet my Dad as well. Big surprise - He loves cows too!
This will be the Twinner's 2nd trip to the Fair. We didn't take them their first year of life. I did take my back pack breast pump and used the Lactation Station at the FM 107 area (TMI???). That was the last year Mark and I volunteered at the St. Cloud State Alumni booth in the Education Building. Last year we did drop by the booth so the kids could get their Huskies temporary tattoos!
Cheese curds, deep fried pickles with cream cheese, and fresh fries with vinegar... Here we come!
If you are at the Fair on Friday, give us a jingle. We actual fore-go naps for this event!