All summer my kids were doing damage to their eyes and skin because they never wore their hats outside. INSIDE their hats were a favorite play thing on Friday afternoon. Once again,
Marly had on her tulle skirt. She gets it out nearly every day. I am so glad I nabbed it off the clearance rack (with an additional coupon) at
Gymboree before
Piper's fairy birthday party!

*See the leather chair - the $4.95 blue
throw pillows from Walmart did NOT make the cut... nor did the ones I purchased from TJ Maxx last week. Back to the drawing board. I have now decided we are opposed to blue in the throw pillows. I need HELP from
Young House Love!*

Saturday afternoon my cousin
Kris, daughter Marissa, and her husband Rick came to visit. Marissa had a
soccer game in
Faribault, and they drove an additional hour and 15 minutes north to visit us and deliver a
snow blower! We were DELIGHTED to have them. We had Brett and Rachel over too, and I made plain old lasagna for supper. I pushed it a tiny bit close on the time line though... I arrived home from the grocery store about 17 minutes before they arrived! Of course during the day, Mark and I were trying to do "just one more thing" to get the house in order. I browned the meat for the lasagna (but didn't get everything into the pan), finished hemming the curtains, and Mark put up the last rod by the table. He fixed the kid's curtain rod, which Dean had pulled down weeks ago, and we hung up TWO things on the wall in the living room. (This is progress folks!) I arrived home from the store with just enough time to get the wine in the fridge, and the bags put away. I woke up Mark after they pulled in the drive. He had been at the '
Bou from 4 to 7 am for a special coffee order and needed a nap.

The kids with cousin
Later in the evening Dean and Marly showed off their Halloween costumes for Brett and Rachel, but you will have to wait to see them. Next Dean modelled the afore mentioned tulle skirt. Brett was NOT impressed. What did we tell Dean earlier in the day, "Do not put on the skirt when uncle Brett is here!"
cool I made the blog! Marissa
Mariss - Thanks for playing with and helping with the kids! Hope your on the mend!
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