Thursday, April 28, 2011

The rest of our weekend

Easter Weekend was a traditional four day weekend for me, and we made the most of it. Friday the kids were good sports, and we met my dear pal Jessie for coffee at the 'Bou. Later the Thomberg's headed to a matinee to see HOP at the theater.

Look at Little Man (above) with his daddy. This was not planned, but they both have on Gap button downs, vests and hat! Aren't they handsome?


Saturday morning we started off making Resurrection Rolls, before dying eggs. A lady at church told me to google it. The recipe is simple, and LOTS of mommy's blogged about it this past week. Pillsbury Crescent Rolls and marshmallows tackle the story of the death of Jesus, his body, the tomb, and Resurrection. When complete, there is a hot, sweet treat to eat. I will embarrass myself, and disclose I could NOT find a bible to read the Easter passages as we made the recipe! I can picture at least two bibles in my house I could NOT locate. I had to google the bible.

Above - Dean is about to dip the marshmellow in butter (representing the oil) and this roll it in cinnamon and sugar (representing the herbs put on Jesus before being put in the tomb).

Below - Marly wrapping 'Jesus' in the 'tomb' .

At noon, we headed to the Springbrook Nature Center in Fridley for their annual Spring Fling.

Not pictured - the always popular petting zoo!

Finally, on Monday I took the kids to Minnehaha Falls for mommy and me time!

It was another percfect weather day, complete with a DQ treat.

So there you have it - Our weekend wrap up. I do regret I did not get to the Maunday Thursday service or Good Friday. I was chatting with my dear friend (& Catholic) Heidi recently about Holy Week, and reflecting on how much I like the somber hymns leading up to Easter 'morn!

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