By noon, we were camped out on the lawn at my cousin Michelle's in a prime spot for parade watching. The weather was perfect under the big maple tree. I cannot recall the last time I was able to come out for Corn Chaff Days. It was so good to be back, and the kids are old enough now. Mark stayed in the cities. He had to work, but let's face it folks, this is my stomping ground.

Behind the fire truck is the police department/city office and the community theater where we performed school plays. When I was REALLY little, it was a movie theater. It is connected to the local/family owned funeral home (...just a little info on our fine community).
Shoot... I didn't get a pic of cousin Mikayla (drums) and Mariah (flute) with the BL-H Marching Band.
Too much candy...
Uncle (not really/but sort of) Charlie on the tractor he recently restored, riding with his grandson Ethan. Melberg's don't typically drive red tractors, but this one is special.
Wilson showing his support for every politician in the parade.

Okay, now that this thing is nearly over, let's head to the park for fry bread, pie from the women of First Lutheran, and pork sandwiches.

Okay, now that this thing is nearly over, let's head to the park for fry bread, pie from the women of First Lutheran, and pork sandwiches.
(This is where my camera batteries go DEAD.)
After that, let's head to Auntie Jan and Sheldon's at Lake Allie for supper, and a visit from the Iowa cousin's passing through on their way home from their annual family week at the lake.
After that, let's have Mariah and Mikayla babysit so mommy can hang out at the dance in town.
At the dance, let's socialize with everyone from town, and those who travelled back. Make sure to catch up with the kids you babysat for, and the woman who babysat for you. Oh yeah... and if your spouse isn't from Hector, let them stay at home. It just works out better, so they don't have to get bored as we drink our beer and talk and talk about they have no idea what...
After an overnight at Jan's... it is time to head back to the city. If you are a Twinner of the age of three, you might get cranky after all that FUN.
I hope this post expresses the old memories that come back to us, while making new.
Thank you Jan (and Michelle and everyone) for your wonderful hospitality to the Thomberg's. Can we come back next year?
Andrea -
Thank you for the wonderful pictures of Hector Days. Yes I do remember my dad driving the old fire truck and hiding in the back of the truck with the tank of water to get everyone (especially the grandchildren) wet. Marissa and I were just looking a picture of dad with the 3 grandchildren yesterday. I really miss those days along with all the other relatives that used to come and sit at Mom's including your mom. I'm hoping they're watching us and looking out for all of us. Love you! Dee
It was so good to see you! You look absolutely fabulous! Had a great time! And agree, it is just better to leave the out of town hubby at home for these events :)!
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