Marly and Dean are now more than 13 months old. I have not used the pump room for about a month, yet I had resisted turning in the key. For one year, this closet with a chair, plug in, and mini fridge was my own personal haven. In that year, I came to know Tina (a Doc's research assistant) who's cube was just inches from the door. In the beginning, I was there three times a day. In the end, I was glad to be able to breast feed Marly and Dean for a year.
Really, I had no difficulty breastfeeding. I enjoyed doing it. My pediatrician sang my praises and made sure to tell me at each visit what an amazing job I was doing for my TWO babies. Funny thing was, prior to their birth and in the first few weeks of their life, I just thought I was suppose to do this for a year. I had read it in the books. My OB agreed. The hospital steered me down the same path. The pediatrician said, "Great!" I don't feel extraordinary in my act, but I do owe thanks to two key things which played a strong role in my achievement (besides the support of Mark, and of course Marly & Dean) - My Employer and My Pump.
At work, no one ever questioned the use of my time given to the task. Occasionally a co-worker would ask if I was still pumping, and then say, "Good for you!" My first day back to work was a full day staff meeting. My manager (who does not have children) asked me several times if I needed to go pump. That set a tone of acceptance for me.
I also dedicate my success to the Medela Pump n' Style Advance. I borrowed this expensive pump from a friend, and it is worth its weight in gold. This is the BMW of breast pumps. I love that darn thing. I pumped at work. I pumped in the car. I pumped in the car WHILE DRIVING. I pumped in airport bathroom stalls. I pumped on vacation. Through it all, the pump was tried and true. I used her little cooler on top and often stopped for free ice at SA. Really, I should have named her.
It is time to return the pump to her rightful owner, but I think I will miss her. Actually, what I am REALLY going to miss is the high calorie consumption & tiny waist line which resulted from the milk production. AND, I will REALLY miss the rather voluptuous bosom which resulted. Glorious cleavage oh how I loved thee!!! Long gone you are now! I wish I had shown you off more.
Ah yes, those babes do grow up too fast.
Marly & Dean, Mommy loves you!
Ha, this makes me laugh, because a person I babysit for, who was also my high school math teacher, was pumping when I had her in 11th grade. Well, people always complemented her on the "cute backpack" she had and asked where she got it from...we would always give each other "the look" and laugh and then say she bought it at Target! :-) Loving your blog Andrea, just because you will write about anything...including pumping while driving....what?!
You are a great mother.
Enjoy those 2 little ones.
Love Cindy
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