A play by play of my Valentine Birthday from the lens of my IPhone via Intagram!

Valentine treats for the kids, at the breakfast table when they got up.
NOT PICTURED - The pretty Bachman's box also at the table, with a glass bird globe inside from Mark and the kids, and the fun cards for ME!
Breakfast for the Twinners included red raspberries, red cranberry juice with red maraschino cherries and strawberry pop-tarts with fake red filling. The pop-tarts a special one-time-only treat.
My little cutie pie.
My other little cutie pie.
NOT PICTURED - My cutie pie husband Marky-Mark!
Twinner cutie-pies posing together before school.
Me in my Valentine find - The PERFECT blouse for the occasion purchased off of ModClothe.
STILL NOT PICTURED - My cutie pie husband who took the photo for me!
My drive to work through the picturesque, snow covered trees along Riverview Lane.
Valentine cheer for my co-workers, including BOGO fru fru coffee drinks for Kenna and I from the 'Bou and flowers for Barb and Kathy purchased from the Mercy Hospital Auxilary fundraiser after the regular Thrusday Leadership Meeting.
My shoes! Not practical for a snowy MN day, but too perfect to pass up for a Valentine. The shoes are courtesy of Dee Schendzielous, who bought them at a garage sale, gave them to Gretchen, who gave them to me, because they were more than a size too small.
NOT PICTURED - volunteering at the kids Valentine Party at school.
Back at home - The grow garden Mark and the Twinners gave me to kick off my birthmonth, with Valentine and Birthday cards in the background.
At 5:30 pm we were seated at a reserved booth at our favorite local watering hole, in the lounge, for dinner.
At 6:30 pm I had a chocolate Valentine matinee for dessert.
See??? Mark was a part of my very special day. That is his hand and arm behind the nearly empty matinee glass.
Me and the Twinners .
I make them take a picture with me EVERY Valentine's day.
(Yes I am spoiled. I will own it! Thank you Chris (and Dad)! I get sooo many compliments about her!)